Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent types of cancer among women. It is believed that over 246,660 breast cancer cases in America will be diagnosed before the end of the year according to the American Cancer Society. They also estimates that about 40,450 will succumb to breast cancer by the end of 2016.

As such active prevention is very important and it also pays to be able to detect the symptoms of breast cancer in its early stages of development.

These Are 5 Breast cancer symptoms that you should never ignore:

1. A New Mole or Change in an Existing Mole 
Moles are more commonly linked to a higher risk of skin cancer, but in some cases they can be a warning sign of breast cancer.

A study was conducted on 89, 902 women aged from 40- 65 years and researchers examined their medical years over a period of 18 years. They documented the number of moles they had. During this research, 5,956 of the women developed breast cancer. Researchers found that participants with most moles had a 13% higher breast cancer risk. Therefore, if you notice a new mole or a change in your old one, you should consult your doctor.

2. A cough or hoarseness which won’t go away
Primary cancer is a type of cancer that grows in only one area. When cells break from it, they can spread to another organ and form a new tumor called secondary cancer. Breast cancer can spread to the lungs, and cause symptoms such as hoarseness and cough which won’t go away. Breast cancer spreads to the lungs in about 60-70% of the reported cases

3. Changes in The Bowels or Bladder
Breast cancer can result in hormonal changes, which dry out the urethra, making it difficult to control the bladder.

This is referred to as incontinence, and common indications include leaking urine during activities like coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising, experiencing sudden and urgent urge to urinate, as well as urination that takes unusually longer.

Consider visiting a health professional if you experience any of these symptoms.

4. Fatigue
This is another common symptom of breast cancer patients, and it’s usually present before the diagnosis. This type of fatigue cannot be relieved by rest and sleep, and it’s often severe. Cancer-related fatigue is accompanied by pain, sleep disturbance and depression. According to many experts, this fatigue is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the body which the cancer creates.

5. Inexplicable Back Pain
Back pain affects about 8 out of every 10 people, however it has been discovered that breast cancer can also be responsible for that niggling backache.
In breast cancer related back pain the person feels pressure on their spine and ribs as well as pain in their upper back.

It may appear as if the pain is from the bones, which may also mean that the breast cancer may have spread to the person’s bones.


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