Stroke is a serious, life-threatening medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. It’s also one of the 5 leading causes of death in the US. These strokes, when survived leave permanent handicaps in adult people.

Aside from a hemorrhagic stroke, one that happens when a weakened blood vessel ruptures, there’s also an ischemic stroke, which occurs as a result of an obstruction within a blood vessel carrying blood to the brain. The hemorrhagic stroke, caused by aneurysms, is rarer.

Fortunately, the side effects of a stroke can be significantly lessened if you act promptly. Read on and find out what you should do in case you or someone close to you suffers from a stroke.

Every brain stroke is with mildly different signs with every person separately. But, all have a common denominator – they occur unexpectedly.

Warning Sign of Stroke:

  • Trouble while walking, loss of balance or coordination
  • Numb face and limbs, particularly on one side of the body 
  • Trouble speaking and trouble understanding others who speak

Other Symptoms Of Stroke Are:

  • Sight problems in one or both eye
  • Complete paralysis
  • Sudden depression

Now, the next thing is the acronym FAST to explain further each step.

  • Face: see the whole face. Is your smile crooking? Is it saggy?
  • Arms:  lift the arms or try. Do they fall down?
  • Speech: just say anything a few times. Can you properly?
  • Time: ask help ASAP!

These symptoms occur fast and quickly. Never wait to get better, ask help right away.
Do not drive to the hospital. It’s better to be picked up by professionals. The experts will even start helping you on the way.

Sometimes, these signs go away fast but that doesn’t mean you don’t need help anymore. These are known as sudden episodes TIAs or transient ischemic assaults and they accelerate the chance of the real stroke.

Many people never differentiate between stroke and migraine; sometimes they can confuse you. Stroke is all out of a sudden, and migraine develops with time spans.

Migraine signs are often useful to know since they increase every stimuli. Migraine people see some patterns, like zigzag or flash colors/lights. The TIAs begin with discomfort and less vision, hearing and mobility in limbs.

The stroke cases can happen in almost all ages, but there are some target groups of course.


  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Smokers
  • 55 or older
  • Heart issues, atrial fibrillation and blood problems
  • Genetics
  • Aesthetic injuries
  • Migraines

In order to prevent strokes and recognize them, remember this. Start changing the diet and unhealthy habits. Eat fruits, veggies, drink water, quit smoking and workout.

Source: healthyfoodteam


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