12 Dangerous Bedtime Habits That You Should Always Avoid!

These are 12 bedtime habits you should avoid, especially if you have sleep problems:

1. Avoid drinking any kind of liquid before going to bed because you may wake up 2-3 times during the night to go to the bathroom.

2. Don’t take a nap in the middle of the day every day! Always try to have a good sleeping routine and try to go to sleep at the same time every day, so your brain will be ready to “shut down” and you’ll be able to fall asleep much faster.

3. Keep electronic devices away from your bed – scrolling through your tablet or phone before going to bed won’t do you any good. Try to avoid using electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed, as the brightness from the screens will keep your brain “on” and disrupt your sleep. If you must use your laptop, at least keep the brightness down.

4. Don’t take a nap in the middle of the day every day! Always try to have a good sleeping routine and try to go to sleep at the same time every day, so your brain will be ready to “shut down” and you’ll be able to fall asleep much faster.

5. Avoid putting a bright alarm clock on your bed table. The light from the screen will disturb you all night and make you toss and turn, which will leave you without energy in the morning.

6. Never go for less expensive mattress. A high-quality mattress will make you rest comfortably, and this will keep you fresh and sound. So utilize good mattress! 

7. You should eat your dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed. But, if you eat something immediately before you go to sleep and you go to sleep on full stomach, your body may keep you awake for digestion process..

8. Exercising makes you feel lively and fresh. So, if you don’t want to experience sleeping problems, avoid exercising at least 3 hours before going to bed!

9. When your feet are cold, you’ll have trouble falling asleep fast. Warm your feet before going to bed or wear socks to get proper rest.

10. Set up a bedtime routine to make your brain learn when it’s time to sleep. Go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, wash your face then go to bed and your mind will be ready.

11. Do not drink cappuccino no less than 4 hours before you rest. Do you realize that caffeine fortifies your body and makes you feel fresh? So as opposed to taking it during the evening, take it when you have to stay awake! 

12. Choose a good sleeping position so you won’t have a sore shoulder or back in the morning. Try sleeping on the left side – a lot of experts consider this position the best one for sleeping.

Source: professionalmac


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