Never Eat These 4 Foods Before Bed!

There are numerous factors that can affect your sleep quality. Things such as the temperature of the area, the lighting and outside sound all are likely involved in how you rest during the night. Try to control these factors in order to provide a better quality of sleep.

 There’s another essential aspect that often gets overlooked. The food you consume before bed can either help or harm you as it pertains to getting the zzz’s on. 

Foods rich in fat, proteins and sodium will keep you tossing and turning, while some food stuffs can essentially tuck you in during the night. For any good night’s rest, check out this list of foods to consume and foods to avoid before bedtime!

Foods to avoid before bed

1. Dark Chocolate
Chocolates contains caffeine, which is not at all something you want to eat before going to bed. The caffeine and the theobromine in chocolates both work to stimulate the nervous system. This may cause an elevated heart rate, which makes it difficult to drift off.

2. Chicken
Chicken is filled with protein, which is fantastic, unless it’s bedtime. The large quantity of protein in poultry can decelerate digestive function by as much as 50%! Consuming chicken before bed will keep your body spending so much time to digest your meal, which makes it difficult that you should fall asleep

3. Spicy Food
Many people have a love-hate romantic relationship with spicy food. If you want your spices, eat them earlier in the day rather than at night. Spicy food, no matter how delicious, can cause acid reflux. 

4. A Bacon Cheeseburger
Everybody knows that a fast food cheeseburger is far from a healthy meal, but did you know it can affect your sleep? Bacon, although delicious, consists of a large amount of excess fat. 

Excess fat stimulates the production of gastric acid, which can cause acid reflux. If you don’t want to awaken with acid reflux in the middle of the night time, skip the bacon cheeseburger for supper!

Foods to consume Before Bed

1. Bananas
Bananas contain calcium and magnesium, minerals that relax and repair muscle. Eat a banana before bed to ensure a peaceful night’s rest. You’ll awaken sense calm and refreshed!

2. Turkey
Eating turkey about two hours before bedtime can actually help you drift off faster! Turkey contain tryptophan, which regulates the product quality and tempo of rest. Yep, this is the reason why everyone requires a nap after Thanksgiving supper!

3. Milk
Like turkey, milk also contains tryptophan. This amazing amino acid can help you get a much better night’s rest. Which means that your grandma was letting you know the reality when she said dairy would help you rest! Milk and cookies for a bedtime treat, anyone? Remember to choose organic, hormone free dairy.

4. Cherries
Cherries are excellent to snack on anytime, but especially before bed. It contain melatonin which really helps to control the body’s inner clock, providing you a much better quality snooze!


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