If You Think That 120/80 Is A Normal Blood Pressure: You Are Completely Wrong!

A lot of people around the world knows that 120/80 is the normal blood pressure, and that if your blood pressure is higher you need to visit your doctor immediately. Well this is no longer applies.

The ESC Association issued new guidelines.
This guidelines says the new normal blood pressure is 140 systolic (the top number in a blood pressure measurement) and 90 diastolic (bottom number).

However, there are some exceptions: people with diabetes, in which the limit is 130 over 80, as in the older population.

This is something that will definitely change things for everyone. Numerous people visit their doctor when their blood pressure increases to 139/89, but now there’s no need to take your medicines in this case.

This is now the new normal blood pressure and you shouldn’t be afraid, because it doesn’t increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.


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