How to Cure Tonsillitis And Sore Throat In Just 4 Hours!

Tonsillitis is a condition characterized by inflammation and swelling of the tonsils. Tonsils are the two lymph nodes located on each side of the back of your throat. They function as a defense mechanism. They help prevent your body from infection. When the tonsils become infected, the condition is called tonsillitis.

Tonsillitis frequently affects children and teens, although adults of any age can acquire it. Symptoms include a sore throat, swollen tonsils, difficulty swallowing and fever.

If you are among those who are struggling with a sore throat and tonsils or tonsillitis, we have good news. Even though you thought you have tried all medications, and nothing has worked, there is folk medicine that cures the above mentioned diseases in just 4 hours.

The recipe:
Ingredients needed:

  • 80 grams of ground cumin seeds
  • 200 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon of cognac [or brandy]

Method of preparation:

  • Pour 200ml of water over 80g of grounded cumin seeds, and boil it for 15 minutes.
  • You should get thick extensible mass that looks like coffee grounds.
  • Strain and add 50 ml of water, then heat it up until it starts boiling.
  • After that remove the pot away from the fire and add 1 tablespoon of hard liquor, cognac, whiskey, brandy

The remedy is ready for use!
How to use:
Consume one tablespoon of the remedy on every 30 minutes. After 2 hours the pain in the throat will begin to disappear and you will be able to swallow easily, and after 4 hours you will feel pretty good. In severe cases you can drink this remedy for longer period of time. This drink is recommended to everyone who is prone to colds and often suffers from sore throat and tonsils.

Source: healthyfoodteam


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