This Is Definitely The Craziest Reason Why You Should Stop Shaving Your Pubic Hair- However, It Is Perfectly Logical

In the last couple of years, Brazilian wax has turned into every woman’s goal. However, is this wax a good decision? It is believed that every hair, except the hair on the head or the eyelashes, is surfeit. 

However, experts suggested that pubic hair should not be removed because of health reasons. What’s more, they claim that everything in our bodies has its purpose.

The purpose of pubic hair is to prevent foreign bodies and bacteria from entering the private area. 

The hairs act as a filter that prevents irritation in that body part and helps the regulation of body temperature. Without the pubic hairs, our bodies are more prone to infections. Of course, their hygiene needs to be maintained, as without it, they are useless. 

Watch the video below for more information.


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