20 Amazing Tricks of Toothpaste You Didn’t Know Before

Most people usually use the toothpaste just for one thing: for brushing their teeth. But, did you know that toothpaste is also very useful for other things as well? In this article we are going to show you 20 amazing tricks that you can do with toothpaste. The toothpaste dries very quickly and it absorbs humidity as well. It’s also a powerful stain remover, and it can be used to clean many different things.

20 Amazing Tricks With Toothpaste You Probably Didn’t Know:

1. Silver Polish
We all know that when silver is dirty and blotchy, then we need to use special silver-cleaning products. Well, you don’t have to buy special products anymore. Just open your bathroom cabinet and grab your toothpaste. Just rub the silver with toothpaste and it will be shiny, like you just bought it from the store.

2. The Car Headlights 
All parts of the car need to be cleaned, not just the metal ones. The headlights need to be maintained clean as well, at least from time to time. To this end, it is best that you use toothpaste. Take your toothpaste and put some of it on a sponge or some cloth, and rub a little. You will have your headlights perfectly clean, without any dirt on them

3   Whitens Keys of Old Pianos
It’s very sad when your beautiful piano looks older than its years due to yellow keys. Just as toothpaste helps with yellow teeth, it does the same for piano keys, so make your piano look brand new in minutes.

4. Clean Your Sneakers
Toothpaste can also be used to clean the dirty and plastic parts on your shoes. Just grab some toothpaste and sponge and you will be amazed.

5. Aviator Goggles
You can clean your goggles with toothpaste. You will apply an invisible layer on them, so the next time you dive, it will prevent fogging.

6. Stains on The Table by Cups or Glasses
Just take some toothpaste and a sponge and you will clean the stain in just 2 seconds.

7. Ink Stains on the Shirt
You spilled ink from your pen in your favorite shirt? No problem, we have the perfect solution for that problem. Before you throw away that shirt, you need to try to remove the stains with the toothpaste. Here’s what you need to do – just apply some toothpaste on the stain and leave it on for 24 hours. Wash it of the following day.


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