The Best Home Natural Remedy To Remove Stretch Marks And To Make Your Skin Soft As Velvet

Stretch marks can be annoying, unsightly and embarrassing. But unluckily, they happen to about 90% of women, and they appear to be genetic. It doesn’t matter if you are skinny and you eat healthy, you can always have stretch marks on your skin, especially if you are a woman.

They are one of the most common side effects of pregnancy. 50 – 90 % of the women will get them after they gave birth. There are other reasons as well, such as: rapid weight loss which can affect both, men and women.

You can get stretch marks on your thighs, chest, hips, and the abdomen area. Sometimes they can be very depressing and affect your self-esteem. Many people are less confident due to these annoying stretch marks. Fortunately, there are many procedures to prevent stretch marks, such as:

  • Healthy and hydrating diets
  • Maintain the same body weight
  • And any other methods that can help you improve your skin’s elasticity, such as a massage and dry brushing.

All these methods are also effective in reducing the stretch mark. When it comes to using anti-stretch cream in your stretch mark treatment, make sure you’ve bought the right one. You should pick the cream that reduces discoloration, moisturizes and nourishes your skin.

The next recipe contains the four, most effective natural healing moisturizers. They are rich in nutrients and minerals that are excellent for the skin care and have a long tradition in the stretch-mark treatments. They also make the skin extremely soft and smooth, just like velvet.

The Best Homemade Natural Remedy against Stretch Marks
When you buy the ingredients for this homemade remedy, make sure that they all are extra virgin and cold pressed. Also, make sure that they are organic, because only these ingredients can give you the results you want. This remedy has thick and shiny structure, and you need to apply it 2 times daily to your skin, morning and evening. Your skin needs to be wet. With this homemade natural solution you will fight stretch marks slowly, but effectively.


1 cup of castor oil
1 cup of raw cocoa butter
¼ cup of sweet almond oil
½ cup of coconut oil

Put a small pan on medium heat, and melt the coconut butter and the coconut oil in it. Mix until they are completely melted, and then remove the pan from heat. Now, pour the sweet almond oil and castor oil. Mix until you get a nice mixture. Then, put the cooled mixture in refrigerator to set. Then, mix it until it turns white. You should keep this mixture in a glass jar.

How they actually work?

1. Cocoa butter is also very useful ingredient to prevent and reducing the effect of the annoying stretch marks. It is used by pregnant women and a lot of people who want to remove their scars. There is no scientific proof that is really effective, but everything points in that direction. There are also famous cosmetic products against stretch marks, which are based on cocoa butter.

2. Coconut oil is the number one ingredient against stretch mark for many women in the world, especially women from Hawaii. It penetrates in the deep layers of the skin, moisturizers it and whitens the stretch marks. With the regular use of coconut oil, your skin will be tight and extremely smooth.

3. Sweet almond oil contains many useful ingredients which is necessary for healthy and nourished skin. It’s full of Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant and great skin protector and healer. The almond oil ensures the skins elasticity, so is often used by pregnant women for preventing stretch marks and cellulite. Besides that, almond oil nourishes and protects the skin, making it soft and silky.

4. Castor oil is very effective moisturizing product, which is used for treatment of all kinds of skin problems. Castor oil with its rich contents, which are capable of providing a smoothing effect to our body especially hair and skin. It is assumed that the presence of ricinoleic acid is making them a strong remedial measure in the fight against stretch marks. It keeps your skin fresh and it is reducing the discoloration.


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