Eliminate Stretch Marks And Cellulite Forever Easy With Only 3 Ingredients!

Stretch marks are a normal part of puberty for most men and women. When a person grows or gains weight really quickly, that person may get fine lines on the body called stretch marks.

Stretch mark happen when the skin is pulled by rapid growth or stretching. Most girls and women have them, usually on their breast, hips, thighs and butt. Some women get them during pregnancy.

Cellulite [also known as adiposis edematosa] is the herniation of subcutaneous fat with fibrous connective tissue that manifests topographically as skin dimpling and nodularity, often on the pelvic area [specifically the buttocks], lower limbs, and abdomen.

Cellulite is a secondary sex characteristics occurring in most postpubescent females. It is usually caused by genetic factors, fluid retention, poor circulation, hormonal changes, poor diet or sedentary lifestyle.

There are several brands of cellulite removers present on the market, but they are expensive and often ineffective, so that’s why people turn towards natural remedies.

But, if you want to succeed in removing stretch marks and cellulite, you also need to make certain lifestyle changes. Exercising regularly, eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water are very important if you want to reduce their appearance. Exfoliation can also help you, because it removes dead skin cells and stimulates circulation.

We’re going to present you one of the best and very effective remedies! Take a look at the recipe:

Ingredients Needed:
250 g of sea salt
250 g of sugar cane
100 / 150ml argan oil

The 3 ingredients should be mixed in a paste and applied to the affected part by massaging with a circular motion for 2 or 3 minutes.

Then rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin.

Sea salt contains iodine and micro-elements that contribute to the rebuilding of the skin, sugar helps exfoliate the skin and Argan oil has vitamin E that helps against skin aging, but it also helps keep the skin soft and supple and it provides a moisturizing action.

This treatment should be done regularly every day to feel its effects.

By using this treatment, you will get better results in the early stages of the grooves, when they have a reddish color, because the grooves that have healed have a whitish color and are more difficult to remove.


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