Effective And Natural Remedies For Toothache

A toothache is a pain in or around a tooth that may be caused by tooth decay, abscessed tooth, damaged filling, tooth fracture, repetitive motions, such as chewing gum or grinding teeth, and infected gums.

Symptoms of toothache may include; swelling around the tooth, fever or headache, tooth pain that may be sharp, throbbing or constant. In some people, pain results only when pressure is applied to the tooth.

If you are suffering from toothache, it is best to seek immediate advice from a dentist before the problem worsens. You can also try some natural remedies to relieve the pain temporarily.

1. Fresh Guava Leaves
Fresh guava leaves can help alleviate toothache due to its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Simply chew one ore two guava leaves until the juice begins working on the affected tooth.

2. Cloves

Cloves are very effective against toothache and sore throat because it contains eugenol, a phenylpropene that make up cloves anaesthetic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
You can use clove oil directly on the affected tooth or create a paste from ground cloves and olive/clove oil to apply on the affected area.

3. Warm Salt Water
Mix a half spoon of salt (common kitchen salt] in a glass of warm water and use it to rinse your mouth thoroughly. It will help reduce swelling and inflammation.

4. Salt and Pepper
Mix equal amounts of salt and pepper with a few drops of water to form a paste. Apply it directly on the affected area and allow the paste to sit for a few minutes.

5. Garlic
Use crushed garlic clove [or garlic powder] mix with salt and apply it directly on the affected area to alleviate pain. You can chew 1 or 2 garlic to relieve the pain.

Source: ncatalyst


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